Sunday, August 26, 2012

Leeloo, a Nightmare, and a Happy Reunion

Last night, I had the WORST nightmare with the BEST ending ever.  I was flying who knows where on a commercial flight with Leeloo in her Grandpa-style, plaid carry case that had miraculously squished to fit under the seat in front of me.  During takeoff, the plane overshot the runway and ended up on some sort of emergency roller coaster track, where the plane skidded to a stop.  All the screaming passengers quieted and then began cheering like crazy people.

But for some reason, the pilots and flight attendants started screaming at us to get off the plane RIGHT NOW!  I scooped up Leeloo in her carry case and my huge suitcase, but the flight attendants from hell wrenched both cases from my hands and demanded I leave the plane without either.  I was fighting and shouting at them, but the discombobulated mob of passengers behind me swept me out of the plane.

While we were charging out of the plane in a Salem witch hunt fashion, the airline rigged the plane up to some sort of trailer hitch and pulled it down the roller coaster tracks and into a deep canal to dispose of the metal carcass.  I stood on the side of the canal and watched helplessly as the plane slowly drowned beneath the surface, the air bubbles going from a jacuzzi rush to a fateful popping few.  I had been fighting to go back toward the plane to save Leeloo, but the airline agents kept telling me that the plane had been sealed and cleared for destruction.

I then wandered around like a homeless hippie on a bad trip for what seemed like forever, trying to talk to all the airline personnel and find out about Leeloo and my bags.  Every single one of them yelled at me and asked me why I didn't bring them out of the plane with me.  Their accusatory looks seared into me.  I was defeated and frustrated when a random good samaritan told me to check the banks of the canal because a lot of the luggage had mysteriously appeared where I had just been walking.  As I walked down the bank, back toward the submerged plane, there were hundreds of dogs who had been rescued from the plane.

I interrogated several people, asking if they had seen Leeloo, but they all shook their heads and looked at me with pity.  Finally, an agent skipped joyfully over to me and said that Leeloo was "right over there".  I looked over and she was calmly laying in her carrier, not 10 feet away.  When I opened the carrier, she darted out and did her "Welcome Home, Mommy" dance and licked my face.  

I woke up after this and immediately fired up my laptop to psychoanalyze myself and my dream by using the incredibly reliable online dream dictionary,

Here's what Dream Moods had to say:

Airplane Crash 
To dream that a plane crashes signifies that you have set overly high and unrealistic goals for yourself. You are in danger of having those goals come crashing down. 

To see a dog in your dream symbolizes intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. 

Based on these descriptions, I have no choice but to assume that my goals of being loyal and generous, and my desire to be intuitive, offer protection, and have a strong sense of fidelity, are simply unrealistic goals.  Therefore, I will continue to be a selfish hag, knowing damn well that Leeloo is right here, safe and sound.

Needless to say, the rest of my day went splendidly...

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