Two nights ago...
Leeloo stares pointedly up at me, head tilted to the right. Head tilted to the left. Head tilted to the right. Left. Right. Left. Right. Her eyebrows furrow in concentration, still staring at me. She licks her nose and tentatively puts her paws up on my knee. Apparently, we need to talk. I start feeling uncomfortable knowing that Leeloo wants to talk to me. I'm usually the one doing the talking. She paws at my arm and yawns, willing me to understand what she wants from me. I think I understand...
Satisfied with our telepathic communication, Leeloo plops down on the floor and proceeds to lick her butt, an indication that our "chat" has successfully concluded. With this, I know what I need to do (besides visit the vet for a little anal gland relief)...
Leeloo is smirking up at me, one ear up and the other down. She has just brought me her half-eaten Dingo Ringo-o-o, tossing it at my feet. Perhaps this is my "positive reinforcement" for following her willed instructions from two nights prior. I'm being such a good human! She now brings me her beef bully stick, encouraging me to follow her cues. So with hands shaking, fingers numb, heart pounding, thinking of Leeloo's and I's deep discussion two nights ago, wishing Leeloo had thumbs and could take over, I OFFICIALLY start our blog...
Leeloo kisses me on my nose. It's definitely my reward.
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